MCI Bus Conversion Remodel RV New Roof Simple RV Solar Setup Off Grid Bus By Leisure Coachworks | Ep2.5
The roof of your RV is mostly out of sight. But it’s an important component of an RV remodel. This big MCI bus conversion has a lot of great features, including this custom roof.
This RV bus conversion included the installation of four awnings. To prepare the roof, the Leisure Coachworks team started with Girard caps. They supplied the basic shape, and the team built custom panels.
The roof was covered with white Raptor coating and the new panels with green Raptor coating to match the custom paint. Careful effort made sure the awning system was integrated fully with the Girard caps and the style of the build.
To prepare the coach roof for the four big awnings, the next step was laying a thick aluminum plate. The plate was securely attached around the entire periphery of the RV roof. Then the angle brackets were attached and aligned.
The two awnings on the driver’s side of the RV extend five feet. On the passenger side, those Girard Nova II awnings fully extend and drop to provide full shade.
There’s more to an RV roof, especially a large bus conversion, than awnings!
This build required a new escape hatch to fit in with the custom interior. The roof was also fitted with four vents to provide great airflow.
This MCI bus plans to go off the grid, so LCW installed solar panels to provide 600 watts of power. Six Renogy Eclipse Monocrystalline panels supply this RV with plenty of power even when it isn’t plugged in.
The roof is also equipped with an RF Mogul for Dish Network TV. An important component of this system is a custom plate to keep the dish from damaging the roof when it’s stowed.
This highly customized roof shows the detail, planning, and ingenuity that goes into a Leisure Coachworks RV bus conversion.