This RVs Damage Left Us Speechless – Alfa Founder Pt 1
RV Repair and Remodel on an Alfa Founder Part 1
We’ve talked before about Alfa motorhome owners’ loyalty to the brand. Here is a prime example. This customer couldn’t find anything they liked better than this Alfa Founder, so it’s time to fix it up and make it shine.
What’s the Damage?
From the way it looks right now, it seems like this coach has been through the wringer! Actually, what you’re seeing is damage that came to light when the Leisure Coachworks team removed the Filon (fiberglass) skin.
Motorhome walls have three layers, the interior, foam center, and exterior skin. In this case, the exterior was blistering and coming off. When it was removed the team found substantial water damage to the RV walls.
Water damage happens when seals are not tight. Leaking seals allow water into the walls, damaging all three layers. To repair this Alfa Founder, those water-damaged wall sections will be removed and replaced.
Slide outs are also vulnerable to leaking seals. This RV has three slide outs and two of them will be getting new floors due to water damage.
RV Floor Flattening
This Alfa RV floor was no longer flat. The chassis is fine, but the floor needs reinforcement to bring it level. When the floor is not level, interior fixtures don’t fit as they should.
While We’re In There…
With the fiberglass exterior removed, the LCW team gets a good look behind the scenes. The team can inspect the wiring and clean and service the furnace and air conditioner.
The RV will also get a new topper. More upgrades will include new Leisure LED lighting and new legless awnings.
Opening up the walls of a motorhome allows you to see damaged areas. It’s also a good chance to admire how the RV uses every inch of available space.